We all celebrate Engineering Day for sustainable development on 4th March every year as a remarkable tribute to the greatest the achievements of Engineers and roles of engineering in sustainable development . Below are some of the best happy engineer’s day quotes and wishes which are collected from different sources. Have Fun Engineers!
Engineer’s Day Wishes
1. We build the world (Civil Engineer.)
We build the magic world (Computer Engineer)
We connect the world (Electronics & Communication Engineer.)
We are the powers of the world (Electrical Engineer)
We move the world (Mechanical Engineer)
2. 4 yrs
40 subjects
400 experiments
4000 assignments
40000 hours
A normal human CANNOT do it.
Those superheroes are called
Happy Engineering Day.
3. You can be a Doctor and save lives.
You can be a Lawyer and defend lives.
You can be a Soldier and protect lives.
But why to play with others’ lives?
So we simply became engineers to screw up our own lives.
Happy Engineering Day.
4. Everybody says Engineering is so easy that it is just like walking in a park
But only Engineers know that the park is called Jurassic Park
Happy Engineers Day.
5. Engineering Fact: We don’t need a girlfriend…our assignments irritate us every day…that’s enough. Happy Engineers’ Day.
6. Science is about knowing;
engineering is about doing.
7. The software is a great combination of artistry and engineering. – Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft
8. Newton Asked How To Write 4 Between 5
Pharmacy Students: Good Joke
M.B.A. Students: Impossible
Engineering Students: F(IV)E
Engineers R.O.C.K.
Happy Engineering Day.
9. We Are Cheaters, But We Don’t Cheat Humanity,
We Hate Study, But We Love Technology,
We Flirt With Flirters, But We Are Lovers.
Happy Engineering Day.
Engineer’s Day Messages
10. Engineering Fact: We don’t need a girlfriend…our assignments irritate us every day…that’s enough. Happy Engineering Day.
11. Firstly I would like to thank Google for allowing me to copy and paste and secondly to the Xerox machines. Happy Engineering Day.
12. A First Bench Student Knows The Answer To The Entire Problem. But, Only The Last Bench Student Has The Power To Face Every Problem. Happy Engineering Day
13. At Its Heart, Engineering Is About Using Science To Find Creative, Practical Solutions. It Is A Noble Profession. Happy Engineers Day
14. Remember, Your Work May Be Only To Sweep A Railway Crossing. But, It Is Your Duty To Keep It So Clean That No Other Crossing In The World Is As Clean As Yours. Dedicated To All Engineers & Engineering Students All Over The Nation.
15. To The Optimist Glass Is Half Full, To The Pessimist The Glass Is Half Empty, To The Engineer, The Glass Is Twice As Big As It Needs To Be.
16. Centuries Ago People Who Sacrificed Their Sleep, Food, Laughter & Other Joys Of Life Were Called “SAINTS”. Now, They Are Called “ENGINEERS”. Wish You A Very Happy Engineering Day.
Engineer’s Day Quotes
17. “Science Is About Knowing; Engineering Is About Doing.” – Henry Petroski, American Engineer.
18. “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” – Leonardo da Vinci
Engineers Day Quotes
19. “At Its Heart, Engineering Is About Using Science To Find Creative, Practical Solutions. It Is A Noble Profession.” – Queen Elizabeth II
20. “When You Want To Know How Things Really Work, Study Them When They’re Coming Apart.” – William Gibson
21. “The first rule of engineering; beware prototypes. Along with, avoid anything made by an engineer who doesn’t have all his own fingers.” – Simon R. Green
Happy Engineers Day Quotes
22. “Engineers Like To Solve Problems. If There Are No Problems Handily Available, They Will Create Their Own Problems.” – Scott Adams
23. “One Man’s “Magic” Is Another Man’s Engineering. “Supernatural” Is A Null Word.” – Robert A. Heinlein
24. “Architecture Begins Where Engineering Ends.” – Walter Gropius, German Architect
25. “Math is my Passion. Engineering is my Profession.” – Wilfred James Dolor
26. “I’ve never seen a job being done by a five-hundred-person engineering team that couldn’t be done better by fifty people.” – C. Gordon Bell
27. “Software Is A Great Combination Between Artistry & Engineering.” – Bill Gates
28. “Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing.” – Henry Petroski, American engineer
29. “Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.” – Unknown
30. “Projects we have completed demonstrate what we know – future projects decide what we will learn.” – Dr. Mohsin Tiwana
31. “A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.” – Freeman Dyson